Friday, March 22, 2013

Practice Logo 1

[Ebino, Miyazaki]  E: Ebino's hiragana え (e) is in the shape of Mt. Kirishima.

Practice Logo 2

[Rishiri, Hokkaido]  Ri: Rishiri's symbol is said to incorporate the hiragana り (ri), which representing ocean waves, along with the hiragana し (shi), which represents Mt. Rishiri.

Practice Logo 3

Kitami (Hokkaidō): The kanji 北 (kita) shaped like a sash weight

Practice Logo 4

Yonaguni (Okinawa): The kanji 与 (yo)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Title Page: A Dark Light

The focal point of this design is the text, "A dark light" that is in the upper left side of my work. This is the perfect focal point because it is made up of lights and darks which contrast with the muted gray background. The lines emerging from the top right corner are leading the audience's eyes to this focal point because they are so bright and shockingly white, which lead into the white of the focal point. The most successful part about this design is that the image is so full of movement. The bubble-like shapes are placed in a wave-like line, following each other off of the page but then the audience's eyes are drawn back onto the page because of the word "Shape" in the background and so on.

Shapes Only

The focal point of my design is in the bottom right hand corner. This is a great focal point because the way the shapes are piled upon each other make this area pop out and look 3-D. I have also used different shades from dark on the bottom to light on the top, to create a feeling of space. The most successful part of my design is the used of darkest darks and lightest lights because they are placed close to each other and cause your eyes to keep looking. The use of the darks and lights along with the use of gradients are what make my design so successful.

Text Only

The focal point of this design is located in the bottom left of my page. The word "shape" stands out because, compared to the rest of the text on this page, it is made up of the darkest values. I have used a different kind of line to outline this text, making it different than the rest of the clear-cut, clean lines that are around the other texts. The most successful part of my design is that the majority of the design is made up of gray tones, but there are shocking bursts of darks and lights. My favorite part of this work is in the upper right hand corner where I have placed a sun-like figure. I like this part because it is this dark outline kind of placed in an area of mostly gray. I think this area is a part of what makes my piece interesting because of the high contrast.

Lines Only

The focal point of my design is the star to the side left of the page. This star is the perfect focal point of the work because The rest of the work is made up of only lines. The lines that are surrounding it lead your eyes to it. This works because the white arcs are all fanned around the star, the dotted arrows are pointing the audience's eyes from off the page to back onto it and back around the page to this star. The values I used throughout my whole piece are contrasting with each other, using various shades of grays and the darkest darks against the lightest lights. I believe that the most successful part of my image is the contrast that I have created.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Gradient Only

The focal point of this design is the only cloud-like shape that is completely on the page. This shape stands out because of the white outline of it contrasting with the darker background. The audience will be drawn to this shape because of the drop-like shapes that will draw your eyes up to the focal point. These drops will also draw your eyes back down and off the page. The most successful thing about my design would be the use of lights and darks and how they contrast with each other all throughout the page. The thin lines of white show up vibrantly against the darker background. The shapes and fills I used were what made my image eye catching and interesting.

Color Design

The focal point of this design is the flower followed by the petals at the top right hand of the page. The colors are contrasting between orange and blue and shades of these colors. I have used the petals to draw the eyes out of the work and then reenter back at the left top corner and exit again. The background is muted because of the gradient I used to cover about 90% of my work, aside from the focal point. I think I successfully made the two main colors work together in creating a vibrant piece of work. This is also what made my color design interesting and eye catching.